"The Power of Superpressure and Precision"
We have developed tools that allow the measurement of various physical properties of materials using lead thrus, windows and so forth mentioned on the Pressure Vessels page.
Some of the properties we can measure are:
Pictured to the right is a complete pumping system and vessel apparatus for neutron scattering research at high temperature and pressure, with sapphire end windows for laser studies.
Incorporating quartz or sapphire windows for visual observation and beryllium for gamma-ray transmission; stirrers; internal furnaces for temperatures to 3000°F; external heaters; corrosion-resistant liners; internal and external load cells used in conjunction with rams with or without frictionless glands; special materials for extremes of temperature, and multiple electrical leads for power, thermocouples or other purposes including high-frequency signals. Means are available for measuring under pressure resistivity; dielectric constant of fluids; tension, compression and force; yielding under combined stress (tri-axial loading); deformation of rocks under widely ranged rates of loading in either tension, compression or shear at temperatures to 1500°C.; elastic constants in either of two types of apparatus using high frequency induced waves at high temperatures and pressures; for evaluating combustion rates of gunpowder as a function of pressure (strand-burning), and for hydro-thermal growth of crystals.
Contact the experts at Newport Scientific today to learn more about our pressure vessels and other special-purpose tools.